Friday, June 26, 2009

Virginia Beach June 09

We took off on Sunday, June 21 for a short vacay to Virginia Beach. We took my parents along also. They love spending time with the girls. The girls loved the beach. Randy just went with the flow. He is more of a mountain type guy but he's out ruled by three women! Here are a few pics of our trip.

Friday, June 12, 2009

5th Grade Graduation

5th Grade Graduation!
Morgan had her 5th grade graduation. We are so proud of her! She received numerous awards such as geography bee winner, presidential academic award, physical fitness award, good attendance award, festival chorus award, 5th grade chorus and orff award, and conflict manager award.

Way to go Morgan!

Kindergarten Graduation!

Brookelyn's kindergarten had a little graduation celebration! Here are a few pictures!
Here is Rachel and Brookelyn singing "You are my Sunshine"
This is Brookelyn's little friend Rachel Bryan! They are two peas in a pod!

1st grade bound!

T-Ball Season

Brookelyn played T-ball this year for the Braves. She had a great time! Here are a few pics from her season, Notice Daddy behind her on 1st base! He helped out when he wasn't working. They had a great team and a great coach. Way to go Braves!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Blog Post!!

Hey everyone, we're the Collins Family. We live a very fast paced lifestyle, sometimes I don't even know how we do it. Anyway, I am going to try my hand at keeping a blog site so for anyone who is interested may check in on us every now and then! I don't have much time today, I just set up the site but I promise I will get some pics on tomorrow and give you a full up to date briefing about what is going on with our family!